Swollen Tonsils and Lymph Nodes, Abdomen Pain, what's wrong with me?About 5 days ago I got a fever, which just finished yesterday. I would be shivering, my teeth would be chattering like crazy unless I got under like 3 layers of clothing and two large blankets, then I'd get extremely warm. Through all of that I never had a thermometer so I have no idea what my temperature could have been. About a week ago my tonsils started to swell up, they're currently pretty big, with a small gap between each one. I can feel myself talking different and swallowing is pure agony.
A few minutes ago I was urinating and my abdomen started to tighten and when I coughed my stomach pained quite a bit. I'm going to the Doctor in an hour, but what does this sound like?? I'm really curious as I've never experienced a sickness quite like this.
Mum Mum
Tonsillitis. Gargle with an asprin in water.
Hello, I'm a doctor. Use fentanyl transdermal system. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://med31.notlong.com/5AAHWCd
What do you think? Answer below! Tonsillitis explained | Better Health Channel
Links to information about tonsillitis , including tonsillectomy.
Orignal From: Swollen Tonsils and Lymph Nodes, Abdomen Pain, what's wrong with me?
Tonsilloliths or tonsil stones are calcifications that form in the crypts of the palatal tonsils. They are also known to form in the throat and on the roof of the mouth. Tonsils are filled with crevices where bacteria and other materials, including dead cells and mucus, can become trapped.
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