
What could cause my boyfriends Tonsils to swell and ear to hurt?

Hi,I did the following:
What could cause my boyfriends Tonsils to swell and ear to hurt?For about 3 days his Tonsils has been hurting him and is swollen. Now his ear is hurting him and when he used a cotton swob there was blood on it. What could cause this we really don't have the money to go to a doctor but if it is serious then we will. If anyone has any info please let me know!

Big D
tonsils filter out smoke, its the stupidest custom to remove them. They are in line with the ear so opbviously there is that risk.
I regret removing my wisdome teeth. I fell victem to a stupid idiology.
Now I have to gum my red meat.

Sal Esqueda
His tonsils are infected, he needs to see a doctor. He can go to an emergency hospital and be examined there. He needs antibiotics to clear all of that up. The infection seems from what you have shared has now spread to his ears.

He can gargle with warm salt water, for this condition it is the best thing to do. The chloride in table salt is know to eliminate bacteria.

c doctor...

it could b tonsillitis, ear infection or even strep throat...

get to a doc for some antibiotics

Liz C
It's probably Strep throat. Get to a doctor and don't be kissing him either,

What do you think? Answer below! Tonsillitis explained | Better Health Channel
Links to information about tonsillitis , including tonsillectomy.

Orignal From: What could cause my boyfriends Tonsils to swell and ear to hurt?

1 comment:

  1. oh my god what kind of doctor would say it seems the infection has spread to his ears! when your tonsils swell it can put alot of pressure on your ear causing them to hurt really really bad but that does not mean there is anything wrong with your ears.
