
I have tonsillitis, what can I take to take away the pain and how long will it last?

These are useful and collceted by kong!
I have tonsillitis, what can I take to take away the pain and how long will it last?I've had it for nearly a week now, to swallow is unbearable and everytime I swallow its the worst pain I've ever experienced. To eat or drink is out of the question-the pain is so bad that Its undescribable.

I havent eaten or drinken properly in days.
I've tried icecreams but it just seemed to irritate it more and I've tried soup but it hurts so much that I cant bear to take it. I've also tried Jello but I dont like Jello so its not really working.

I'm taking:
Paracetamol every four hours
clarithromycin paediatric suspension [twice a day-one in the evening and one in the morning]
But for the clarithromycin paediatric suspension the after taste is so horrific that it makes me vomit continuously and choke to high heavens.

Im allergic to Penicillin so cant take any of that.

Im 15 and its my first time having Tonsillitis. Does anybody know any medicines or remedies that will take it away, and roughly how long it will carry on for?
Thanks in Advance!

Thanks for the links but I can search "Tonsillitis" on google myself. I more wanted first hand experiences and remedies that people have tried and know they work. ^^

Thanks for the information about the spray-will try it :]


Go to the drug store and buy some Chloraseptic Throat Spray. It really works.

Helpful answer below. Tonsillitis explained | Better Health Channel
Links to information about tonsillitis , including tonsillectomy.

Orignal From: I have tonsillitis, what can I take to take away the pain and how long will it last?

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