
What exactly are the white things that appear on your tonsils?

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What exactly are the white things that appear on your tonsils?And what is their purpose?

Also, why do I almost always have them even when I don't have a sore throat?

could be strep or thrush

Hmm, it could be becoming strep. I know I usually get them when my throat is in the worst possible condition ever. xD How long have they been there? Maybe it's affecting you in different ways, or something crazy like that.

You should see a doctor about that. You shouldn't have white spots on your tonsils unless you are sick.

pooh bear
They are usually a sign of infection

I know this is gross, but it is bacteria that builds up from food/junk that gets trapped in the tonsil pockets. Usually a doctor will pop them out for you, but you can do it yourself if you don't have a strong gag reflex.

They are a very common sympton of tonsilitis.
The are basically the bacteria gathering because of the infection.
It's not normall to have them permanantly.

From your description the white substance you are referring to is known as a tonsillolith, or tonsil stone. your tonsils have little craters in them known as crypts, and bacteria, food deposits, skin cells etc all collect here and form a tonsil stone. the problem is that repeated tonsillitis or tonsil stones cause these spaces to stretch and this just makes you prone to repeated occurences and them becoming irritated. using a mouthwash and being really careful with your oral hygiene should help as will removing any stones as soon as you spot them. if you develop a fever and or a lot of pain then it would be worth seeing your doctor as this could indicate a bout of tonsillitis which may require a dose of antibiotics. unfortunately there is no benefit from antibiotics with tonsil stones, just prevention methods. hope this helps

Share your answer? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tonsillitis explained | Better Health Channel
Links to information about tonsillitis , including tonsillectomy.

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