
What are the best comfort foods to eat after having your tonsils removed?

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What are the best comfort foods to eat after having your tonsils removed?I am 21 and just had my tonsils out yesterday morning. All i been able to keep down is water and my pain meds, not that they help much at all. But i feel like i am starving. I have some nausea and vomiting, but not enough to concern doctors. I would really like some suggestions on food i could eat in these first few days that wouldnt hurt and or provide comfort to my raw throat. Mind you i cant taste anything either and most things taste bitter. I been told no ice cream or milk products, and no red or purple colored foods. And most popsicles are red or purple, so it really sucks. So any suggestions?
The reason they told me not to eat ice cream or milk products is because it creates phlegm in the back of the throat, increasing hte chance of infection. And with red and puple food colorings, if i start to bleed from the operation those two colors make it difficult to spot bleeding in the mouth or in my vomit. But yea it totally sucks

Pretzels, Doritos, Melba toast, Popcorn all are good

When I had my wisdown teeth pulled and I couldn't eat anything that required chewing, I ate nothing but mashed potatoes and baked potatoes cooked well so they were basically mashed. It's a whole lot better than having Jello 5 times a day.

eat jello, but not red or purple

ice cream

try yogurt, pudding, chicken soup of course the simple broth and thats it. Try different broths, fish, chichen, beef stew...things like that are both nutricious and okay for you. Also try smoothies from natural fruit.

try natural juices first, then perhaps a soft boiled egg, or oatmeal...

Soups are very good and you can put them in a blender if need be.

I'm very curious as to why the no milk products or foods that are red or purple. I had my tonsils out, and they suggested sucking on ice, Kool-aid and eating jell-o and ice cream very slowly.
If you cannot eat cold or chilled foods that melt in your mouth...it will be a very long several days before you are able to try soft foods like banana.

I had my tonsils removed two years ago and i was told to eat soft foods like applesauce, icecream, soup you can make your own popsicles with ginger ale of some white soda. Sprite it the best. Just fill ice tray with drink and stick in freezer for 30min return and put sticks in them and return to freezer til frozen take out and enjoy.

That is so wierd. My boyfriend had his tonsils taken out too, and the doctors recommended ice-cream. In fact, the general trend of is to eat ice-cream, I'm pretty sure of it. It is the only thing to look forward to after tonsilitis.

Are you lactose intolerant or something? How about green popsicles?

Maybe you could try a cold soup instead? Or a chilled cereal drink (without milk)? Porridge is also a good idea, but let it chill first.

Stay away from spicy/deep-fried food.

What do you think? Answer below! Tonsillitis explained | Better Health Channel
Links to information about tonsillitis , including tonsillectomy.

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